Compressors and boosters

Piston Compressors


CMC was founded in 1968 as a manufacturer of piston compressors, the only technology available in those years. Despite the introduction of new and more efficient technologies, piston compressors still represent a valid solution for those applications in which low flow rates and non-continuous work cycles are required.



Features of a high-quality compressor

Our piston electric-compressors are manufactured following traditional criteria; built to last, they are equipped with quality components and they operate at low rpm (with belt drive), in order to extend its components’ lifespan.

Various versions are available: base mounted, horizontal tank mounted with a volume from 24 to 500 litres (fixed or wheel mounted) and silenced.

Main features are:

  • Electric motor power: 0,75 to 15 Kw
  • Intake air: 0,13 to 2,5 mc/min
  • Working pressure: up to 12 Bar (Special versions with pressures up to 40 Bar are available).
  • Number of stages: 1 or 2
  • Number of compressors: 1 or 2 (tandem version)

Piston compressors

Silenced compressors

Silenced piston compressors PS series are low-noise and they have been purposely designed for working environments.

Single-phase compressors

For those who have a 230V single-phase domestic power supply, CMC offers piston compressors with 24 to 150 litres tank built following the same criteria as compressors for industrial use.

Three-phase compressors

Our industrial 400V three-phase piston electric-compressors have a belt drive between the engine and the pumping unit to ensure low rpm: they are equipped with quality components and supplied ready for use.

Base mounted compressors

To those who already have a tank, we offer the base mounted version.