Legal notice
The documentation, images, trademarks and anything else published and reproduced on this site is the property of Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l., or granted by third parties for use by Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l., and its reproduction to the public is prohibited.
Responsibility of Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l.
No responsibility is assumed in relation to both the content of what is published on this site and the use that third parties may make of it, and for any contamination resulting from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programs from this site. Therefore Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l. is not obliged for any reason to answer for damages, losses, prejudices of any kind that third parties may suffer as a result of contact with this site, or as a result of the use of what is published on it as well as the software used. Any information spontaneously communicated by third parties to the site may be freely used by Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l.
Rules for the translation of this site performed by Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l.
Our aim is to offer an accurate communication in your language.
Therefore we try as much as possible to translate the text into the many languages used by users.
Translation rules:
01. The source language is Italian.
Costruzioni Meccaniche Compressori s.r.l. is based in Italy and uses Italian for the drafting of all internal documentation.
The content of this site is initially prepared in Italian and then translated into other languages.
02. The content in English or Italian in versions of the site in other languages
The content written in English or Italian may be published on pages belonging to versions of the site in other languages and it is therefore acceptable that English, Italian and another language coexist on the same page. This may occur for the following reasons:
02.a The content is published before being translated
Our priority is to publish accurate information in the language of the users. Sometimes it is necessary to publish information urgently. Therefore, we publish the urgent texts in Italian, translate them into English and then into other languages.
02.b. The content is not translated
For legal, regulatory and technical reasons, not all texts published on the site can be translated. These documents include official Company practices, Technical Specifications, Quality Documentation, Internal Standards and Circulars. The content that cannot be translated will therefore remain in Italian, regardless of the language selected.
If you notice errors in the translations prepared by us or would like to send any comments on the site, please contact us at